Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Made In Mississippi

That's a big prawn there. Lauren Farms raises big (but not usually that big) freshwater prawns on their farm in Leland in the Mississippi Delta. They're tasty, and available for sale year round IQF at select grocery stores around here. But the end of September is when the prawns are harvested, and you can go straight to the source with your cooler for prawns fresh out of the pond. More information and recipes on their website and their blog. Oh, did I mention that freshwater prawns are a sustainable seafood, and Lauren Farms raises them without any chemicals. One last factoid – prawns are low in iodine which means that some people who have shellfish allergies can actually eat them.

Next up is Camp Topisaw, in Summit, Mississippi, where Edie and the family make amazing handcrafted traditional soaps, skincare products and natural wax candles in a studio built with lumber from vintage railroad cars. I just ordered my batch of 5 for $20 soaps in flavors like Lemony Ginger, Mediterranean Garden and what's becoming my personal favorite – Lavande Verte. Mr. Loaf even snatched one away from me. They also have a farm where they raise a lot of heritage and indigenous breed animals. If you're lucky enough to live close, they sell fresh eggs and pastured poultry.

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