Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pig Ear Sandwich

I like most every part of the pig, so when I went to lunch at the Big Apple Inn, I couldn't resist ordering their pig ear sandwich. I wouldn't eat it again. I guess being from the South, I imagined it would be deep fried goodness. However, it was boiled (I think). It came on a bun with some hot sauce and a bit of slaw. The pig ear is mostly gelatinous fat, which isn't necessarily bad, and was really sticky in a strange way. But it also didn't have much flavor. There was a little bit of meat and a strange white sheet in the middle that I swear might have been plastic. I believe this is the cartilage. In contrast, the duck foot I had recently didn't have much more to it, but it did have flavor. I would give another pig ear a try in a different preparation, but until then I'm sticking with the pork chop sandwich. If you go to the Big Apple Inn, what you should have are the tamales, which are really great.

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